Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wk 5 Reflection

New insights from the Reading on The Great Court, written by Norman Forster:

Central Focus is the spirist of a Design. It gives direction to your design and unite the rest of the other parts of the building. Foster stressed the importance of Central Focus by saying "it was like a city without a park". This central focus will be developed in the next project.

Congestion - As population grow rapidly, human movement from one space to another & number of visitors shall be considered in the next stage. Multi-entrances will be kept in the next stage for accessibility.
Offer an urban experience in microcosm - As Parliament House represents Australia, how can it offer the visitors the experience of the culture of Australia when they visit? Out door cafe life is used in the Great Court, which "invites a leisurely approach to life". Visitors can experience the life of the city in the Great Court from morning til night.

Light - Light is an important element to bring into the new parliament house, as it symbolise a bright future and transparent of the nation. How can it "maximises lighttness and transparency and minimises solar gain"?

The new reveals something fresh about the old - Exemplar: Ruichstag. "We see history literally revealed" & "we have peeled back the layers of history to open it up once again as the heart of the building" (p. 7). Reading room of the Great Court is now openned to public, which symbolise the knowledge is shared and the information can be accessed.

"Do the most with the least"

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